Who or what is responsible for the curse against the Mariner?

He was violating an eternal law of nature. If one kills an innocent living creature, one is bound to suffer because of that. This violation led to the curse that had befell on the ancient mariner.

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Coleridge tells of a Mariner on a ship who makes a sin against God and therefore is cursed. This curse, the killing of an Albatross – one of God’s creatures, costs the entire crew on the ship their lives yet he lives so that he can realize what he has done and be given a chance to ask forgiveness for his sin. The deaths occurred when a ship was sited and on it two women like figures. were playing dice and life won the Mariner and death got the crew. Until he began to pray and ask for forgiveness the crew’s souls couldn’t enter Heaven but one he did the curse was broken, his life was saved, and Angels came down from Heaven and took the crew’s souls with them. He had become a saved man.

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The killing of the Albatros was responsible for the curse of the Mariner. 

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