who was miss.mebbin?how did she behave while tiger shooting?

Miss Mebbin was an extremely greedy person who did not want to perform an atom of a task more than what she had been paid for. She was only Mrs. Packletide's paid companion and did not want to encroach upon any danger while shooting the tiger. She was unwilling to do any task more than what she had been asked to do prior to the actual plan. She wanted Mrs. Packletide to kill the tiger before it attacked the goat so that they would not have to pay for the goat. She was also the one who discovered that the tiger died of heart failure and not of a mortal bullet wound.

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Miss Mebbin was paid companion of Mrs Packletide. She was not good to Mrs Packletide. She was just disturbing Mrs Packletide during the entire tiger shoot. Also, she was very miser and behaved as an elder sister of Mrs Packletide in terms of money.


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