whtz the difference between binary fission and budding??

Dear Student,

Binary fission is an asexual method of reproduction in which a parent organism divides or splits to form new organisms in which the parent organism ceases to exist. Example- Amoeba, Leishmania.

Budding is an asexual method of reproduction in which the bud develops from the parent plant as an outgrowth and when it matures it detaches from the parent plant and develops into a new organism. Example-Hydra


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binary fission

.In it a small growth appears and then develop into a new organism by detaching from it.

.In it the organism’s nucleus divide into two parts and form two different organisms

It is a form of vegetative propagation

.It is a type of fission

It can be done artificially

It can be only done naturally

It is extensively used in horticulture and agriculture

It has no such commercial value

Ex-rose, yeast etc

Ex- amoeba,leishmenia


hope it helps

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binary fission: it is the division of one cell into two similar or identical cells.



budding: in budding a small part of the body of the parent grows out as a bud which then detaches and becomes a new organism.



hope it helps....

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Binary fission is the splitting of an individual into two similar though identical, daughter individuals.

Budding, on the other hand, is where a bud grows or develops on a specific location of the organism's body and grow to attain full maturity. After reaching the stage of maturity, it seperates from the parent individual. 

Now, The difference between binary fission and budding is that, in binary fission, the organism divides into two, whether respective or irrespective on the plane of division whereas, in budding, the organism does not divide, but a bud grows out from its body at a specific hotspot. In this manner, considering budding, we cannot say that the organism divides, but we say that a new organism grows out of its body. 

Budding takes place irrespective of plane for all organisms. But binary fission takes place, with few organisms, with respect to the plane of division like leishmania.

Moreover, Budding is the asexual reproduction for simple multicellular organisms, like that of the HYDRA and binary fission is the asexual reproduction for unicellular organisms like that of protozoans (i.e., amoeba, leishmania, etc)


Additionally: Because of this wide ranging difference between budding and binary fission, scientists, especially botanists and biologists, never consider them as one. They never get confused these asexual modes of reproduction as one. Hence, this is why they were successful in the classification of species that we have learnt in class IX. 

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During budding an extra part of an organism grows as a bud but during binary fission the parent organisms get divided into two daughter cells

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