Why all metals are good conductors of heat

As answered previously...

 In the process of thermal conduction heat travels through the body of the material (here a metal rod) by the collision or interaction between its molecules or atoms. The atoms (or molecules) are in a state of constant vibration and upon interaction with another atom exchange of energy takes place. In case of metals, as most metals are solids (except Mercury), the atoms (or molecules) are so tightly packed that the heat transfer is more efficient and is much greater that either liquids or solids 


@All...Good answers, keep it going!

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Metal conducts electricity and heat well because of it's low resistance qualities. It is important to note that not all metals act the same. Copper is typically the industry standard when it comes to electrical conductivity. The only metal that is know to be more conductive is Silver (@106% conductive relative to copper) The next closest is Gold (@71.2% relative to copper) As you can see there is quite a big difference. The two sites below are the only ones i could find with any charts, but if you can get ahold of an UGLY'S electrical reference guide or a Engineers Black Book. They both have great charts to use. Good luck.

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In metals, the force of attraction between the particles is very strong. So, the particles are tightly packed together. This allows easy and fast flow of heat energy through the metallic object. Therefore, metals are good cunductors of heat. 

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