Why beryllium is not included in Alkali earth metals?

Be is very different than the other members Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba in that it forms covalent bonds. This is evident from the 

  • much lower boiling and melting point of its salts compared to the other group 2 elements.
  • In addition, beryllium hydroxide is amphoteric; that is, beryllium can interact to form a positive ion, or it can become part of a negative ion.
  • Not only can the metal form typical salts, such as beryllium sulfate (BeSO4), it can also form beryllates such as Na2Be(OH)4.
  • Be has smaller size, high effective nuclear charge, absence of d-orbital. These facts make it different from other members of alkaline earth metals.


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Alkaline Earth Metals will form oxides of alkaline nature. eg; CaO, Mgo, Bao etc. But the the oxides of Be (Beo) are amphotric in nature ie; can act as acid when react with base, and as base when react with acid (like water)

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