* why do the mariners said the bird as a christian soul?

  *  why do the  mariner change their minds about the value of the bird ?

  * why does the mariner unable to speak signify?

 what does the crew hanged albatross around the mariners neck?
* what is the relationship between the guest and mariner in the biginning?

1] They said so bcoz they thought their life was saved because of it. They were stranded in the ice and could not move. When the albatross came and circled around the ship, the ice broke and they were able to steer through. The evidence that it was called a christian soul can be seen in the line " We hailed it in God's name. " Also they were all christians, so it's called a christian soul.

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2] when the bird was killed, the sun rose up. All the mist cleared. Thus they thought that it was the albatross that had brought in the mist and the snow. Thus they changed their minds and said that it was an unluckly bird that had caused them trouble.

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3] The mariner's inability to speak signifes the fact that they have run out of water. This also tells us that they have been stranded for a long time. Thus they were not able to replenish their water sources.

The mariners hold the ancient mariner responsible for their suffering. They say that because the mariner killed the bird, and they all said that he had done a good thing, the albatross had cursed them. Thus to remind the mariner of his mistake, they hang the albatross around his neck.

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4] The guest does not want to listen to the mariners story. He does not like the mariner. He calls him a "grey- bearded loon". Thus the mariner mesmerizes the guest so that he can tell him the story and forces him to hear it.

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3) the mariner is totally lost for words because of the dead weight of guilt that fills his heart when he realises he is the cause for their halt in the mid sea.The crew does not literally hang the dead albatross around his neck.it is only a phrase that means unbearable remose and guilt.

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Hope u have got the ans....... : )

All The Best....... Have a GooD DaY.

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this ans is also correct........

But if the Q is " y albatross has been hanged on mariner's neck ? " the examiner is concerned with the literal meaning.....

If the Q is " How is the 'albatross hung around hi neck' ? " OR " Explain 'the albatross, about my neck was hung' ? " the examiner wants deep meaning, i.e., of the phrase.

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thumbs up 4 u......

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