why do we need a standard meridian in india? explain.

  • -6

hey akshay,

We need a standard meridian for India because of the vast longitudinal extent of the mainland. Thus, there is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India passing through Mirzapur is taken as the Standard time for the whole country.
Hope you have got your answer.
Good Luck!!

  • 141

good answer

  • -13

tnx.. :)

  • -10

Since Indian is a very large country, it needs a uniformity in time. 
If their will different times at different places, then it would be a lot confusing. Hence to remove this confusion, the Meridian 82'30 Degrees passing near Allahabad is taken as the standard meridian. 
It's time is taken as the uniform time all over the country.

  • 60
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