why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day?what is a desert cooler?

Actually, what happens is that the fan inside a desert cooler blows in hot dry air. water falling on the mats of the cooler, cools the hot air and thus we experience cool air.

Hope this piece of information helps you.

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When the water drop on the grass ; the water gets evaporated faster in hot and dry day. We all know that evaporation leaves a cooling effect and the latent heat of object is removed. 

desert cooler is a normal cooler in our homes.

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When a liquid evaporates, the particles of the liquid absorb energy from the surroundings to compensate the loss of energy during evaporation. This makes the surroundings cool.

In a desert cooler, the water inside it is made to evaporate. This leads to absorption of energy from the surroundings, thereby cooling the surroundings. Again, we know that evaporation depends on the amount of water vapour present in air (humidity). If the amount of water vapour present in air is less, then evaporation is more. On a hot dry day, the amount of water vapour present in air is less. Thus, water present inside the desert cooler evaporates more, thereby cooling the surroundings more. That is why a desert cooler cools better on a hot dry day.

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because sand loses or absorb heat faster

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Desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day because evaporatin of water is more on a hot dry day.

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 Desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day because evaporation of water is more on a hot dry day.

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a desert cooler is better because it contains the hay which absorbs the water and when warm air blows the water inside the hay changes the warm air into cool by absorbing its heat andthus gives cool air throug its wings.     i have a deserted cooler in my home it is relly very useful....      

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