why does rough surface have greater friction then smooth surface?

  Friction is always more on a rough surface compared to a smooth surface. This is because rough surface offers more resistance to the movement of an object over it compared to a smooth surface. 

  • 31

yes ,it does as
more friction is produced on a hard surface than on a smooth surface it takes more force and brute strength to push something heavy on a rough surface, because it falls in the cracks. On a smooth surface you are just sliding across a surface

  • 0

More friction is produced on a hard surface than on a smooth surface it takes more force and brute strength to push something heavy on a rough surface, because it falls in the cracks. On a smooth surface you are just sliding across a surface.

  • 5

Friction is a force in which the irregularities(roughness) get interlocked and a body comes to rest. So, as many irregularities are there in the surface, the force will be that much more. As, rough surface has many irregularities so the force of friction is more than smooth surface which has less irregularities and the force is less.

  • 18

coz there are more irregularitiesin rough surfaces.so,they have more friction than smooth surfaces.

  • -2
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