Why does the author aver that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

The author proclaims that the biggest of all reasons or factors distorting the future of human society is the drastic rise in the world population since 1800 AD. He justifies his point, he says that uneducated people think that more people mean more work force; however, they do not realise that more people mean more unemployed and more stomachs to be filled. The present population is estimated to at 5.7 billion. Every four days the world population increases by one million. The only contraceptive, the author speaks equivocally, is education and development at grass root level. When there is education and development, people will be enlightened and will realise their responsibilities towards their future generations. The author says that fertility falls as the income rises, which is true indeed; the western countries can be considered as an example. However, the author also argues that development is not possible in the present day scenario where the population is rapidly rising. He suggests means like sterilisation. However, he also agrees that humans cannot be treated like cattle and compulsory sterilised, but coercion is necessary in the prevailing condition.

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