why does the febraury month has the most least days?

Dear Student,

There are legendary explanations to this phenomenon.

  • Legend has it that July was named after Julius Caesar and August after Augustus Caesar . 
  • The emperors wanted July and August to have 31 days each. Hence, the two extra days were taken from February, which was then left with 28 days. 
  • Others believe that February always had 28 days. Right since the time of King Numa Pompilius. The kind decided that a year would have 355 days, the length of 12 lunar cycles. 
  • Even numbers were considered unlucky in those times. February arrived during winter, hence it was chosen one to have been given 28 days.

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he moon takes 29 1/2 days to rotate around the Earth, while the Earth takes 365 1/4 days to rotate around the sun.

As per Egyptian calendar, The year came to have 365 1/4 days and 12 months of 30 or 31 days. This resulted in 367 days, and thus February, the last month of the year, was reduced by two days to 28.

Julian calendar didn't take into account that 1/4 of a day included in the solar rotation.

Pope Gregory XIII created the concept of the leap year. February now have 28 days a year, except in leap years. These changes became the "Gregorian calendar," which is the system we use to this day.

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Abhishek Bharteei'm Giving U thumb up because ur answer is accurate!

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