why does water have higher boiling point than alcohol ? at what temp. in kelvin, it can be changed into soild state and into vapours?


give me a scientific reason----sugar and salt kept in different jars gain their shape...why?



 simply because the force of attraction between the water molecules is more than the force of attraction between the alcohol molecules, so water molecules require more energy to break the forces of attraction between them and hence have higher boiling point.

 for ethanol (C2H6O) :
freezing point - 156(K) - convert into solid
boiling point- 352(K) - convert into vapours

  • 15

 the sugar and salt particles are very minute,l so when kept in a container, to fill up the empty space, take their shape so that maximum particles come in a lesser place. Here, it is noteworthy that size of individual particles of sugar/salt does not change.

  • 3

Water have higher boiling point than alcohol because there is more force of attraction between the particles of water than the alcohol and hence water needs more heat to boil or convert into stream from liquid state.

And water or alcohol cannot be directly converted from its solid state to vapour or liquid state.

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define solide liquid and gas
  • -3
water has higher boiling point than that of alcohol because force of attraction between molecules of water is more than that of alcohol
  • -2
Sugar and salt take the shape of container because they are very minute particles and are solid so whenever they are poured into any container they takes the shape of that container
  • -1
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