why is the valency of phosphorus 3 & 5 both ?

The number of electrons gained, lost, or shared by an atom to complete its octet is called the combining capacity or valency of that atom

Phosphorous on using its 3 electrons can form PCl3. If it will use its 5 electrons then it can form PCl5. Hence it can show both 3,and 5 valency.

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Phosphorus shows both trivalent and pentavalent nature. For example: PCl3 and PCl5

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Valency is the ability of an atom to make sharing with others for example the carbon has valency 4, it is tetrahdral can combine with 4 bonds to other one so Phosphorus has valence number 3 &5 because it can make PCl3, PCl5 simultaniously.

hope ths helps u :))

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