Why were most social taboos associated with women

Indian society during the eighteenth century was divided along caste and gender lines. Women were not allowed to study. They did not had the right to inherit property, they were married off at a young age. Widows were not allowed to remarry. Thus, most taboos were associated with women.
  • 26
Indian society was divided along caste and gender lines .The social position of the women was very low and they were dependent on the menfolk in their family . They were not allowed to study and married off at a young age . Widows were not allowed to remarry and the practice of sati was there . They had no right to inherit property .
  • 7
indian society was divided along caste and gender lines
  • -9
women since ages were considered inferior to men, so all the taboos got associated with them and they were the ones who had to face injustice, violence and discrimination. but know as the society is changing and most of the people are educated and thus aware of this, the taboos are now not that influential and prominent. women are also taking up equal responsibilities and opportunities and are seen equal to men
  • 3
Indian society during eighteenth century was divided along caste and gender lines.Women were considered inferior to men.They thought they were inly meant fir household work.They were also not economically productive.Thats why most of social taboos are associated with women
  • 8
This was because of the thinking of people as the thought women were low and inferior . Also they were not educated , and were ill treated .
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You all are wrong
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It is because women were the most oppresed class. These helped in prepetuating women subjugation furter.
  • -1
maa ki aak
  • -3
Most of the taboos were associated with women because women was the oppressed class .These helped in perpetuating women subjugation further. The was depend on menfolk . They were tourched
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most social taboos associated with women because they were the most oppressed in the society these social taboos helped in perpetuating women's subjugation further
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