write an autobiography of a snake in about 250 words

Oh, how I envy all those who can walk on their feet. Here I am sliding on my stomach all the time. Yes, I am a snake who is fed up of being one. I have to crawl on my stomach and that too in a zig zag way which gives me a severe back ache. I get tired and there is no way out except to see a good physiotherapist for the back ache. I think my ancestors must have done something terrible to get such a punishment from God. People think I am cool as I can go anywhere without a sound, but this is fun only when you are young, but in old age it hurts you. When I was young I was a handsome golden snake but people thought I was vicious looking. I loved to scare people and I would just crawl out noiselessly to frighten someone. Sometimes people would throw sticks at me but I was the fastest runner in my school, so I always escaped unhurt. I used to play in the garden with my friends and have a grand time. My parents had taught me how to hide in the bushes and hunt mongooses or rats. I was very quick at catching rats but as time went by I have lost my expertise and I have to be hungry many times. My parents have died and I was too proud to get married, so now I am all alone. All my friends are well settled with families and have built their own homes but I wasted my youth in enjoying and never did any serious work. So now I just slither around to find something to eat.

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