Write both for the motion and against the motion for the topic "criminals are wicked and deserve punishment"

Such questions need to be attempted on your own. However, here are a few points for and against the motion.

For the motion:

 - Punishment evades repetition of crime.
- Instills fear in the minds of people who plan such crimes.
- Sustains law and order in the society.
- Public feels safe and secured. 
- Society becomes vigilant towards crime.

 Against the motion:

 - Every wrong deed needs to be given a second chance.
- No man is born a criminal.
- Situation under which a crime is committed needs to be judged.
- No human right and freedom should be violated.
- Judicious punishment might reform the criminal.
- Motive of punishment should be 'change in behavior' of criminal.

 Happy to help!

  • 33

criminals deserve to be punished. Most of the people would not hesitate to claim that those who break the law should be punished ans]d put into prison as long as possible in case they continue to endager our lives and property. Also, if criminals are not given any punishment they may commit crimes again and again.Crime in general is the worst thing a person can do because it violates the law and it is a violation against the victims.Therefore, to protect the security of the society they should be punished according to the severity of the crime. So, regardless of what sort of crime someone is commiting they have to pay for their crime.


One thing is clear - there are far too many people in American prisons. There are far too many 'criminals ' in prison despite the fact that they pose no significant threat to society. As a result - otherwise productive citizens are sitting in a jail cell costing taxpayers money to look after.

Despite this, there are many non-violent crimes which warrant jail time. Without this, the penalties for breaking the law might be so mild, that people will take calculated risks. For instance, when I was a child, I was told not to eat more than two cookies. However, the punishment if caught would be that I would have to return the excess cookies. Therefore, from my point of view, it made sense for me to always try and get away with extra cookies. If the punishment had been a spanking, being grounded etc - then I would have factored in the risk, and would have decided against taking extra cookies. Imagine if CEO 's took the same view towards corporate fraud.

Now, I am not suggesting that people who break any infraction of the law should go to prison, nor am I suggesting that the current system is perfect, or even remotely close to perfect for that matter.

However, I do feel that there are many non-violent crimes which merit a prison term - not community service, not a suspended sentence, not house arrest and not probation - but prison.

Here are a few examples:

1) Repeatedly driving drunk or with a suspended sentence.
2) Defrauding seniors out of their life savings.
3) Ignoring the constitution and illegally wiretapping American citizens.
4) Making hundreds of millions of dollars while falsifying documents to trick investors into investing in your company.

5) Selling crack.

Do we really want these people on the streets? Do we really want to give them a slap on the wrist? Do we really want to give these people a chance to escape and go to a South American country to retire? Absolutely not. These people might not kill, but they are every bit as dangerous as the drunk who punches a cop in the face.

  • 12
No man take birth as a criminal. Their circumstances force them to do what their heart never wills. Their circumstances can be anything it can be due to poverty, ailments or shortage of food. As in the drama bishops candlesticks the convict steals to save his wife from suffering which he never wanted to do. But there was no way other than stealing. But after stealing as by his luck he was caught. And the punishment given to him was too big for his shoes. This was just an example. Imagine how many people in this world would be suffering like this.Instead of understanding the pros and cons of the prisoner he is chained and whipped behind the bars. After a great suffering in the jail they just convert the criminals into a wild beast. Criminals are also human beings and they need to be consulted.No man is born great and no man is a criminal.They want to get wok but there is no employement for them because of shortage of wealth.
Society should treat them like normal people.They should be consulted and given a job.People are the future.People should change the world.In this generation by stealing or by lazing around there is no escape.They have to be preached in a certain manner.

By these i conclude that criminals arent wicked and do not deserve punishment.

we can leave even 1000 criminals to escape but nowhere should one innocent be prosecuted
  • 20
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