Write the pun in the statement "I assure u my love ,the affair was quite above board".

ansr <<.Q.U.I.C.K.L.Y.>> plzZzZzZzZ..

Pun, in English grammar, is a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.


Here, the dialogue of Hallock shows very good pun intended. Here, the word 'affair' has been very well used. On one hand, John wants to convey to his wife in a comical way that the affair or illicit relationship he had with Helen was just over the board game of Ouija. On the other hand, considering the 'affair' as a petty issue, he was trying to seriously convince his wife Lavinia that he was not cheating on her for any other woman and it was just a small matter that took place over the Ouija Board game. 


Hope this explanation was helpful!

  • 27

The surface meaning of what john said is that his association with miss laura hinkle was above board i.e just on the ouija board. The pun is that john means that is association with Helen through the board was also momentary . 

  • -3

pun in this statement is the word affair

  • -17
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