Your school is planning to close down two vocational courses at + two level as the enrolment has not been very encouraging. However, the school has decided to hold a debate concerning this issue. The team that is able to convince the students will be the deciding factor for the courses.

Based on all the inputs provided in the section, hold a class debate on the following topic:

"Education should be skill based rather than knowledge based"

Divide the class into four groups, two FOR the motion and two AGAINST the motion. In your groups choose:

Group Leader: To co ordinate the work

Group speaker: To effectively deliver the views

Group Secretary: To note down the points discussed

A Chairperson, Debate Secretary and Time keeper will be appointed to conduct the debate.

A few pointers are given below for your reference:

For the motion:

education should be skilled based because the world is becoming increasingly competitive

lesser job opportunities

employers are looking for set skills

education should be able to make an individual capable of earning a livelihood for himself.

job-oriented or skill-based education provides a focussed direction to achieve goal and earn livelihood

Against the motion:

most of the students have no real knowledge about the subjects

skill based education focus on certain skills, without going into the depth and details of the subject

the education imparted is thus superficial

skilled based education might help a student to get a job, but in the long run, real knowledge matters

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For the motion:

I have the opinion that we don 't need a;; the education skilled base.then we have a sufficient number of vocational institutions which are providing the necessary skilled based education.

my knowledge friend has beautifully analise that sducation should be skill can also imagin that what the fature would be if we have only skilled base manpower without the personal having knowledges base education

i fell that knowledge base education is a must for a developing countery like ours.we need managers,professionals of a high order who can plans desingn things seeing the need of time.these professionals can 's be form plumbers or technicians.they should be comming from colledges and universities like IITs,IIMs..,etc.where knowledge base educations is imarted...


It is true that education should be knowledge based rather than skill based. Knowledge based education is the best as it satisfyies the thirst for knowledge in students .And it inturn increases their practical knowledge/wisdom. As students we have not satisfyied our ' knowledge starving brain ' ,to hinder this need is what knowledge based education does.

Skill based education is mainly for working adults who engage themselves in physical activities.They need them for increasing the firms productivity .

Skill baseed education cannot fulfill our brain 's needs ,therefore most of the educational institutions are attracted towards knowledge based education.And hence knowledge based education is the best.


A student can be skillful, even have innate abilities or one 's acquired through time, or things self-taught, but education molds that information, that is still knowledge, and makes it reach the expectations of the grade level and age and transforms that basic knowledge to knowledge headed toward success.

The educational society 's thinking on that is when a person is able to absorb knowledge, he or she can then turn that into a skill. If it were to solely center around skills then the entire learning process will be for nothing.

With knowledge comes purpose. With skill comes the ability to achieve that purpose.

Skills-based education should be used as an opportunity to put learning into practice.

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