Select Board & Class


Story Completion


Story writing is a creative writing exercise.  Students are given few lines of the beginning of the story and are required to complete the rest of the story using their own imagination.

Points to remember:

1. A story does not follow any format and is written in paragraphs.

2. It is usually written in passive voice.

3. The ideas should be systematically presented.

4. Although, marks are not deducted for exceeding the word limit, a story should be written within 120-150 words.

5. Marks may be deducted for grammatical errors and mistakes in the spellings and punctuation marks.

6. Marks are awarded on the content, expression and creativity of the write-up. Therefore, special care should be taken to maintain the coherence, accuracy and fluency of the content.

Story writing is a creative writing exercise.  Students are given few lines of the beginning of the story and are required to complete the rest of the story using their own imagination.

Points to remember:

1. A story does not follow any format and is written in paragraphs.

2. It is usually written in passive voice.

3. The ideas should be systematically presented.

4. Although, marks are not deducted for exceeding the word limit, a story should be written within 120-150 words.

5. Marks may be deducted for grammatical errors and mistakes in the spellings and punctuation marks.

6. Marks are awarded on the content, expression and creativity of the write-up. Therefore, special care should be taken to maintain the coherence, accuracy and fluency of the content.

Q. Complete the following story:

Banku was really excited to go on a school picnic to the Garden of Five Senses with his teachers and friends. The widespread area of the garden was beautifully landscaped. Banku and his friends decided to play


When he woke from his nap he realised that nobody had come to look for him.__________________________________________________________________________

Suddenly, it grew pitch dark and the weather became stormy. 


Banku was relieved and taken back safely in his school bus.


Banku was really excited to go on a school picnic to the Garden of Five Senses with his teachers and friends. The widespread area of the garden was beautifully landscaped. Banku and his friends decided to play ‘hide and seek’ as there was ample space. The children hid wherever they could. Banku climbed and sat comfortably on an elm tree and soon fell asleep. When he woke from his nap he realised that nob…

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