Subject: English, asked on 5/1/14

Subject: English, asked on 24/1/18

This passage taken from Robinson Crusoe

Read this passage and answer the all question in full sentence.

I ( here I means Crusoe) took the captain and his two friends to my tent. I showed them the things that I had made ​​and I told them my story. They were very surprised.

"And now," I told them, "we must capture the ship."

"There are twenty-six men on board of the ship," the captain said. "We are few. How can we fight against many?"

BOOM! The ship fired a great gun. A flag went up as an order to the sailors to return. Soon the ship would be sending another boat to find out what had happened.

We hurried to the boat which had brought the sailors to the shore. Quickly we made ​​a hole in the bottom of it so that it could not be used. Then we saw a second boat, with ten men in it, coming towards the shore. We watched it closely.

"Three of them are good fellows," the captain told me.

"They been led away by the others. Don't let us hurt them."

The sailors pulled the boat on to the beach. Then at once they ran to the other boat. They shouted. They fired their guns.

Our prisoners heard but they were too afraid to answer.

Seven of the sailors set out to search the island. Three men were left to guard the boat. A clever idea came to me then. I sent Friday with the officer into the woods. I ordered them to shout from time to time. Their shouts drew the attention of the men. They followed the sound.

In this way, they were led deeper and deeper into the island. Farther and farther they went from the boat.

When they were far off, we made ​​a surprise attack on the three men in the boat. We easily made ​​them prisoners. They were good fellows and promised to help us. We took the boat away and hid it.

The seven sailors returned from their search very late at night. They were tired out. To their surprise, they found that their boat had disappeared. And so had the three men in it. They shouted but there was no answer. Standing there in the darkness, they felt frightened.

"There is something very strange and frightening about this place," we heard them say. "Let's get away as soon as we can."

Then I ordered the captain and Friday to creep towards the leader who was standing with his two friends, a little apart from the rest. "When you get near, fire!" I told them.

They fired and killed all three instantly.

Q.1) What must Crusoe and his friends do next ?

Q.2) How did Crusoe and his friends damage the first boat ?

Q.3) How many sailors went to search the island ?

Q.4) How many sailors were left in the boat ?

Q.5) What was Crusoes cunning idea ?

Q.6) What made the sailors feel frightened ?

Q.7) What happened when the captain and Friday fired ?

Subject: English, asked on 26/9/13

Subject: English, asked on 27/11/13

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