1. नौकरों को हमें वेतनभोगी मज़दूर नहीं, अपने भाई के समान मानना चाहिए। क्यूँ
2. गाँधी जी ने तालाब की भराई कर रहे लोगों के लिए नाश्ता कैसे तैयार किया ?
3. गाँधी जी ने गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले का सेवा-सत्कार कैसे किया?

1.. I think this is so they are also a human being.2by growing crops3by giving respect and dignity


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1 Because they can also reach till our level of respect.
2 By growing crops and making food out of it.
3 By respecting, honouring and appreciating him.
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A Municipal Councillor is an elected representative of a ward. He is also known as Ward Councillor.
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