1.(a) When you see a mouth watering food being hungry your mouth get filled with saliva. Trace the event that is responsible for this happening.
(b) Which part of the Brain control the secretion of Saliva in mouth?

Dear Student

a. Reflex action

Essential requirements for reflex action
i) receptor
ii) sensory nerve fibres
iii) a part of the central nervous system
iv) motor nerve fibres and
v) effector organ such as muscles and glands.

The sensory nerve fibres bring sensory impulses from the receptor organ to the central nervous system. The motor nerve fibres relay the motor impulses from the central nervous system to the effector organs. Thus, an impulse travels a path during reflex action which is called reflex arc.

b. The part of the brain responsible for this salivary reflex is the medulla oblongata .


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(a)reflex arc
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(b)The part of the brain responsible for this salivary reflex is the medulla oblongata which controls a variety of functions from sneezing to vomiting. On recieving these stimuli, the medulla oblongata sends neurotransmitters to the glands to produce the saliva...........
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