1)Describe any 3 effects of great Depression 1929-1932 on Germany.

2)Explain Any 3 effects differences between Himalayan rivers & Peninsular Rivers.

3) What is Standard Meridian? From where does it pass through in our country? What is its significance?

4)Explain the sectional division of northern plains.

5)Explain 3 factors which led to rise of Hitler in Germany

6)Describe any 3 important features of River Brahmaputra.

7)State any 3 arguments against Democracy.

8)What is the Aim of Production. State any Four Requirements for Production.

9)Explain any 3 effects of unemployment

10)Explain the meaning of term apartheid. How was this system oppressive for the blacks in South Africa.

11)Explain Any 2 Factors on Which the Quality Of Population Depends.

12)Who Led the Military Coup In Chile? Describe the atrocities committed by him?

13)What Was the role of Jacobins during the French Revolution? What were they known as?

14)Explain The Rise Of Napoleon.

15)Explain The Role OF Youth in Nazi Germany.

16)Define "The Theory of Plate Tectonics". How has their movement resulted in the formation of Himalayas ?Explain

17)What Is Meant by Preamble to the constitution? Why is Preamble Important? Explain.

18)Describe Any Five Salient Features of the Constitution of India.

19)How are farmers in the village Palampur Able To Grow More Crops From the same land.

20)Why Pakistan Under Pervez Musharraf Should not be called a democracy?

* Please Put Question Number while answering Question*

1.Because of great depression on germany economy :

  • 1929: American financial support to Germany was withdrawn due to the Wall Street Exchange crash.
  • 1929-1932: The Great Economic Depression- The national income of the USA fell by half, factories shut down, exports fell, farmers were badly hit and speculators withdrew their money from the market.
  • In Germany, the industrial production, when compared to that of 1929, had reduced to 40% by 1932.
  • Workers were either paid less or they lost their jobs.
  • The fixed salaried employees and pensioners saw a decrease in their real income as the currency lost its value.
  • Small businessmen, the self-employed and retailers suffered as their business got ruined...

2. Himalayan Rivers:

  • The Himalayan rivers are perennial as the source of their water lies in Himalayan glaciers.

  • The rivers make erosional features in the upper course and deposit fertile alluvium in the Northern plains. Thus, they are a major source of sustenance for agriculture.

  • The Himalayan rivers have long courses from their source to the sea.

Peninsular Rivers:

  • The peninsular rivers are seasonal and dependent upon rainfall.

  • The rivers have shorter and shallower courses.

  • The drainage basin of the rivers is smaller in size. These rivers do not create alluvium depositional features except at their mouths where they form deltas..

3. We need a standard meridian for India because of the vast longitudinal extent of the mainland. Thus, there is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India passing through Mirzapur is taken as the Standard time for the whole country.

5. The causes for the rise of Hitler in Germany:

  • Germany’s defeat in the First World War and the abdication of the emperor.
  • The Peace Treaty of Versailles was harsh and humiliating for Germany.
  • The Great Economic Depression that witnessed industrial production to drop by 40%, Workers being paid less and losing their jobs and the peasants suffering heavy losses.
  • The Weimer Constitution had some inherent defects which made it unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship.


  1. Quantity rather than Quality: More emphasis on the number of votes.

  2. Inefficiency: Politicians are more interested in their positions and not in the welfare policies.

  3. Corruption: Democracy encourages nepotism, favoritism.

  4. Political Parties: The political parties create chaos and confusion during election campaign

  5. A Government of Careerists, Opportunists, Self-seekers and Demagogues..

8.The four factors of production are as follows -

1] Land -

  • It is fixed and immobile in nature.
  • It is a free gift of nature.
  • It is used for many purposes such as mining, agriculture.............
  • It is an important factor of production, as, without land, production is not possible.
  • Rent is the remuneration for land.

2] Labour -

  • They are not fixed and are mobile in nature.
  • They do a variety of works like mining, construction work........
  • Without them, production cannot take place. So, they are an important part of production.
  • They move from one place to another place, one employer to another employer, in search of wage rates.
  • Wage rate is the remuneration for labourers.

3] Physical Capital-

  • They are called as 'The Life Blood of All Economic Activities '.
  • Without them, production cannot take place. So, they are an important part of production.
  • It can be divided into two - Fixed capital and Working Capital.
  • Interest is the remuneration for capital

4] Human Capital / Organiser / Enterprinter. -

  • Organiser is a person who is pooling all the factors of production.
  • An organiser should be ready to take risks.
  • Profit is the remuneration for Human Capital.

9. problem of unemployment from India:

  • High Production targets- In all the budgets the Government aims for more GDP than the previous years. The process of increased production naturally calls for more employment for the people of he country.
  • The government has taken steps to make employment more productive as well. For this it is important to educate the labours and get quality work force. The Government has thus opened a number of night schools for the working mass. The farmers are made aware of recent developments in technology by agricultural scientists too.
  • One of the most important way to control population is to curtail population. A number of birth control schemes have been introduced.
  • The growth and development of small and cottage industries are encouraged.
  • Employment for women also forms an important policy of the government.

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