1. Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralisation.

2. " Informal organisation structure cannot be altogether eliminated". Do you agree wit this statement? Give reasons in support for your answer.

3. In divisional structure , each division is considered to be multi - functional . Why?

1. ​Delegation implies transfer of authority, from a superior to his subordinate. On the other hand, ​decentralisation refers to the delegation of authority to more than one level.  Both decentralisation and delegation relate to downward delegation of authority and responsibility. Under delegation, the authority is shared by the superior to the immediate subordinate. Whereas, under decentralisation this concept is extended and the authority is distributed at not just one but multiple levels. That is, while delegation involves just two persons, i.e. the superior and subordinate, decentralisation is a wider concept of the same (delegation) where the power gets transferred to numerous levels. 

2. I agree with the above statement that informal organisation cannot be altogether eliminated as it supports the formal organisation. For points, refer to the below mentioned link.

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