1. Draw the flow chart of blood clotting
2. Differentiate between blood n plasma
3. Describe the following:
A)Anaemia B)Heart failure
C)Angina pectoris
D) Erythroblastosis fetalis
4. State the function of fibrinogen n globulin
5. What is double circulation?
6. Explain Rh incompatibility.


Here is the answer to your 3rd question- 

A. - Anaemia is the decrease in the number of RBC (than the normal amount) or lesser quantity of haemoglobin (than the normal value) in blood This is the most common disorder of the blood. 
B - Heart Failure is the state of heart when it does not pump blood effectively enough to meet the needs of the body. 
C - Angina Pectoris occurs when there is blockage in coronary artery. As a result, insufficient supply of blood reaches to heart muscles. This results in chest pain, fear, anxiety. pale skin, profuse sweating and vomiting. The anginal pain usually starts in the centre of the chest spreads down to the left arm which last for only few second. 
D -  Erythroblastosis foetalis is a haemolytic disease in new born babies.It is an auto-immune condition that develops due to Rh incompatibility between the couples. 

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