1 how petroleum is mined from their deposits explain.

2define fuel with examples

3 explain the process of refining the petroleum

1-Petroleum products are mined by drilling into the earth's surface. 
2- The materials that store potential energy in forms that can be practicably released and used for work or as heat energy, are fuels.
Wood, gasoline and oil are all examples of fuels
3-Refining of petroleum is carried out by fractional distillation of crude oil. Petroleum or crude oil is obtained as complex mixture chiefly of aliphatic hydrocarbon with lesser amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons along with small amount of organic compounds of sulphur and nitrogen. Since, the boiling points of different components are different, hence they are distilled at different temperatures. The separated components are then further purified. The products obtained are: oil, gas, kerosine, petrol and diesel.

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petroleum is minned by digging

hydrocarbons which provide us heat energy are known as fuel eg petrol

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