1)How will you prepare 10% of 150ml of sugar solution?
2) 60g of NaCl is dissolved in water to obtain 400ml of salt solution. Find its concentration and the amount of water added?
3) 10% dilute base is prepared by taking 100ml of distilled water. Find the amount of HCl taken to prepare dilute base?
4)9g of water on electrolysing gives 1g of hydrogen and the rest oxygen gas. Find the mass of oxygen.
5)In a reaction, 5.3g of Sodium carbonate reacted with 6g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2g of carbondioxide, 0.9g of water and some sodium ethanoate. What is the expected mass of sodium ethanoate?

Dear Student

Answering Question No. 5.

2CO3  +  2CH3COOH → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O  

Suppose amount of sodium ethanoate is = x g

Amount in gram of reactant: 5.3 + 6

Amount in gram of Product: x + 2.2 +0.9 

According to law of conservation of mass, total mass of reactant side should be equal to total mass of product.

Amount in gram of reactant = Amount in gram of Product

5.3 + 6 = x + 2.2 +0.9 

x = 8.2 g

Amount of sodium ethanoate is = 8.2 g

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