1. If a number of circles touch a given line segment PQ at a point A, then their

centres lie on the perpendicular bisector of PQ.
2. If a number of circles pass through the end points P and Q of a line segment
PQ, then their centres lie on the perpendicular bisector of PQ.
3. AB is a diameter of a circle and AC is its chord such that ∠BAC = 30°. If the
tangent at C intersects AB extended at D, then BC = BD.

1> Given: PQ is the line segment.


Let a circle C (O, r) touches PQ at A


∴ ∠OAQ = 90° (Radius is perpendicular to the tangent at point of contact)


Let C (O', r') be another circle with touches PQ at A.


∴ ∠O'AQ = 90° (Radius is perpendicular to the tangent at point of contact)


This is possible, when O and O' lie on the same line OO'A.


⇒the centres of all circle touching PQ at A lie on the perpendicular to PQ at A.


2> we have the following situation-

Let A and B be the centres of the two circles passing through the end points of line segment PQ.

In triangle ACP and ACQ



Hence CP = CQ (corresponding part of congruent triangle)

So centres lie on the perpendicular bisector of PQ.

3> We have-

 (angle made by the segment on centre is double to that of the any part of the circle)

In triangle OCD,

(angle sum property of triangle)


(exterior angle property)



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