1.Is the following sentence a Simple sentence or a Compound sentence? Mrs. Musto and Mrs. Gambler ate an entire pizza during lunch.(1 Point)

2.Is the following sentence a Simple Sentence or Compound Sentence? I decided I really wanted to eat a pumpkin muffin, so I drove to the store to buy one.(1 Point)

3.My mom told me to clean my room, or I won't be able to go to the movies with my friends.(1 Point)

4. I went surfing during my summer vacation in California.(1 Point)

5.The amazing sprinter ran and jumped during his big race.(1 Point)

6.A simple sentence has 2 or more Independent clauses.(1 Point)

7.Major love to chase the squirrels around the yard, but he doesn't realize that he will never catch them.(1 Point)

8.A Compound Sentence contains at least how many independent clauses?(1

9.I would go with you to the game, but I have plans to go skydiving on the same night.(1 Point)

10.The following sentence is a Simple Sentence. Kelsey and Emily are excited to see the episode of The Walking Dead.(1 Point)

Dear Student1. Simple sentence2.Compound sentence3. Compound sentence4.Simple sentence5.Simple sentence6.False7.compound sentence8. 29.compound sentence10.TrueRegards

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