1 litre of CO2 is passed through red hot coke.The volume becomes 1.4 litres at some temperature and pressure.what will be the composition of the product?

Equation of the reaction:CO2 + C = 2COAccording to equation, when 1 litre of CO2 reacts with 1 mol of coke, twolitres of CO are formed. Our mixture of gases has volume 1.4 L. Thus it iscomposed from CO and non-reacted CO2.If x litres of CO2 are reacted, 2x liters of CO are formed. Total volume ofmixture is the sum of CO2 and CO volumes:V(mixture) = V(new volume CO2) + V(CO) = 1.4 LV(new volume CO2) = V(initial volume CO2) - V(reacted CO2) = (1 - x) LV(CO) = 2xSo, we have equation:1.4 = 1 - x + 2xThe solution is x = 0.4 LThus, the mixture consist from 1-0.4=0.6 L of CO2 and 2*0.4=0.8 L of CO (iii)Answer: (iii)The composition of product is 0.6 ltr of CO2 and 0.8 ltr of CO.BY ROHIT KUMAR
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can you please expain it more clearly
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Start by writing the balanced chemical equation that describes this reaction CO 2 ( g ) + C ( s ) → 2 CO ( g ) Now, notice that every mole of carbon dioxide that takes part in the reaction produces 2 moles of carbon monoxide. This implies that if the sample of carbon dioxide would react completely, you would end up with 2 L of carbon monoxide--keep in mind that when working with gases kept under the same conditions for pressure and temperature, their mole ratio is equivalent to a volume ratio. In your case, the resulting gaseous mixture has a volume of 1.4 L , so you know for a fact that the carbon dioxide was not completely consumed. If you take x L to be the volume of carbon dioxide consumed by the reaction, you can say that 2 x L will be the volume of carbon dioxide produced by the reaction. This means that after the reaction is complete, you will be left with volume of unreacted CO 2  ( 1 − x ) . L + volume of CO produced  ( 2 x ) . L = 1.4 L This will get you 1 + x = 1.4 ⇒ x = 0.4 Therefore, you can say that the resulting mixture will contain ( 1 − 0.4 ) . L = 0.6 L → CO 2 ( 2 ⋅ 0.4 ) . L = 0.8 L → CO
  • 1
Used hindi for better understanding,Cheers

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