1) Political stability leads to overall prosperity . Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your argument. ( Culture and science in ancient period)

2) Do you think that we can rely completely on the accounts of foreign travellers to reconstruct the history of a period? (Culture and science in ancient period)

3) Do you think a prashasti would give accurate information about the ruler? why or why not?(Gupta and post gupta period)

4) Why did Samudragupta decide not to annex the kingdoms of `Dakshinapatha' ?

5) What are the fears associated with an administrative post becoming hereditary? (Gupta and post gupta period)

6) Why were sangams orginzed ? ( Post-mauryan period)

7) The post-mauryan period saw the rule of the Indo-Greeks, Shakas, pahlavas, and kushanas in north India. What does it tell you about the political condition of north India? ( Post-mauryan period)

8) Why is India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh called the Indian Subcontinent? ( India- physical features)

9)Why is the Ganga- Brahmputra plain the most fertile region of India?( India- physical features)

10) Why is Rajasthan plain an area of inland drainage?( India- physical features)

11) Why are rivers of peninsular plateaus non-perennial? ( India- physical features)

12) Why do some parts of India experience floods and droughts at the same time? ( India- climatic condition)

13) Why do the coastal area of tamilnadu get rain fall during the winter season?( India- climatic condition)

14) Why dothe coastal area enjoy the equable climate?( India- climatic condition)

Due to paucity of time all your queries could not be resolved:

14) Areas that have unvarying and steady temperature all the year around is said to have equable climate. Areas lying close to the sea often enjoy such climate because the land and sea breeze exercise a moderating influence and keeps the temperature from reaching the extremes.

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