1. Rewrite the sentences using Relative clause.

A. A lion is an animal . It is very strong .

B. A novest is a person . He writes novels.

C. A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottle.

D. The girl speaks Chinese. Her mother writes poems.

E. A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.

A lion is an animal which is very strong
A novelist is a person who writes novels
A bottle opener is a device which opens bottles
A detective is someone who discovers the truth about crimes
  • 1
Rewrite these sentence using relative clauses...a lion
  • -4
A lion is an animal which is very strong.
A novelist is a person who writes novels.
A bottle opener is a device which opens bottles.
The girl whose mother writes poem speaks Chinese.
A detective is someone who discovers the truth about crimes.
  • 0

1] A lion ia an animal which is very strong.
2] A novelist is a person who writes novels .
3] A bottle opener is a device which opens bottles.
4] The girl whose mother writes poem speak chinese.
5] A detective is someone who discovers the truth about crimes.
  • 2
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