1. Shall I ever forget those happy days? (change the interrogative sentence into an assertive sentence)
2. By whom was this jug broken? (change the interrogative sentence into an assertive sentence)
3. Why did he defraud you of your earning? (change the interrogative sentence into an assertive sentence)
4. Why should I be suspected by you? (change the interrogative sentence into an assertive sentence)
5. Alas! We shall hear his voice no more. (change the exclamatory sentence into an assertive sentence)

Dear Student,
1. I shall never/not forget those happy days. 
2. The Jug was broken by someone. (Passive[The question is in passive form]) / Someone broke the jug. (Active). If the answer needs to be negative, "The jug was not broken by anyone."
3. He defrauded you of your earnings. / He didn't defraud you of your earnings. 
4. I shouldn't be suspected by you. 
4. It's sad, we shall not hear his voice anymore. 

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