1 Sounds r considered Inaudible on the basis of frequency (Infrasonic Ultrasonic) or Amplitude of the vibrating body?

2. If a sound has a frequency of 100 Hz but loudness of 0 Bel , will it be Audible?

3. WIll the sound also be Audible when the conditions r changed (i.e. Fq.=30 Hz loudness = 100 B)

1-Yes sounds are audible on the basis of frequency. Audible range of sound is of frequency range from 20Hz to 20 kHz.
The softest sound which human can hear is said to have a loudness of 0dB.The audible  range is 0dB to 100dB.
Painfully loud sounds can be as much as times 1012 lower than the softest sounds we can hear and also we can hear sounds that differ as much as by 12 bels.

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1 is yes 2 is no

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