1. The ______system of the plant responds to stimulus of light.

2. Phototropic movement is a ______________movement.

3.When lower peel of the leaf is observed under the compound microscope ,the colour of the slide was reddish pink due to _____________stain .

4. To see the stomata in plant leaves take ______________.

Please teacher's tell me the answer.

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

1. The shoot system of the plant responds to stimulus of light.
2. Phototropic movement is a tropic or growth-dependent movement.
3. When the lower peel of the leaf is observed under the compound microscope, the color of the slide was reddish-pink due to the safranin stain.
4. To see the stomata in plant leaves take the lower surface of the leaf. 

Hope this clears your doubt.

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