1. What is a river pattern? Which factors control a river patter? 2. Explain the new economic policy of Lenin. 3. Identify the reason which makes India a successful democracy in the world. 4. What is Lake? Explain the importance of lakes in our life. 5. Name the any four major tectonic plates. Describe the three types of tectonic plate movements? 6. Explain any five conditions which make the election process more democratic. 7. Explain the features of peninsular river.

Dear student you should ask single query in athread.Here we will answer Q nO.4 and 5
A lake is a large body of water .It is surrounded by land.It's importance lies in the below mentioned facts:
Lakes are home to many animals.
These are the source of drinking water, .they are also used as the sources to  generate energy.
Lakes increase the crop production a they are used  to irrigate fields .
Some major tectonic plates are:
 African plate, Antarctic plate, Eurasian plate, Indo-Australian plate, North American plate etc.
Three types of plate movements are:

Transforming movement: where plates move parallel to each other,
Divergence: Here Plates slide apart from each other,giver rise to coming out of magma  creating new land. 
Convergence:Here  Plates come together, striking or colliding each other ,Here denser is subducted beneath.

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