1) What is nutrition? What is the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition?
2) Distinguish between autotrophs and heterotroph. Write one example for each?

Dear student,
please find the answer to your query below:

Nutrition is a process by which an organism obtains its food and utilizes it in the body.
Depending upon the mode, nutrition can be of two types:
Autotrophic nutrition: organism which prepares their own food, auto means 'self ' and trophic means nutrition. All green plants and green algae are Autotrophic.Such organims are called autotrophs.
Heterotrophic nutrition: organisms which depend on other means for their nutrition that is they are not their source of nutrition.
Hetero means other and trophic means nutrition. All animals, non-green plants and fungi are examples. Such organisms are called heterotrophs.

P.S. Kindly post separate questions in separate threads.

  • 1
Autrotrops organisms which prepare themselves food likee plants and heterotrophs are living organisms that depend on others for food like animals
  • -2
It is from my notebook

  • 2
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