1.. what made Albert's life miserable in the slum where he lined?
​2.. what for did Einstein require a ​medical certificate?
​3.. who was Mr. Koch? how did he help Einstein in his future?
​4... did Albert succeed in leaving school?how?
5... what do you understand of einstien nature from his conversation with his history teacher,his mathmathics teacher and his head teacher?
​pla plz short short short give answer

Dear Student,

1. ​Albert felt oppressed at his school and his lodging wasn't any good either. He lived in a rented room in the poorest quarters of Munich that was noisy and insane.The atmosphere was unpleasant to live because of the regular violence that could be seen. The landlady beat her children regularly and even her husband beat her on days he came home drunk. He wasn't even allowed to play his violin as it bothered the landlady.
2. Einstein required a medical certificate to prove his illness at the school to get an exemption from attending the school for a month. It was the oppressive, unsympathetic and uncordial behaviour of his teachers towards him that made him think of moving to Milan, to his parents, for higher studies. He approached his friend Yuri for this, who arranged him a doctor who kindly signed him a certificate saying he is down with nervous breakdown and need a month off from school.
3. ​Mr. Koch was Albert's mathematics teacher who was very fond of him. He admired Albert for his knowledge and thought he could even teach soon. For escaping the school and going to Milan, Albert needed a reference certificate to get admission in an Italian college, that Mr. Koch provided him happily, in an attempt to help him secure a seat. 
4. ​Yes, Albert was successful in leaving the school. When he managed to receive a medical certificate saying he needs to stay from the school for a month because of nervous breakdown from Yuri's doctor friend, he thought of going to the headmaster anticipating to get rid of the school presenting the certificate, but in a dramatic turn of events, the headmaster told him that they had decided to expel Albert from the school, due to his being a nuisance for the teachers or he can leave the school of his accord.
5. Einstein was generally hated by the teachers at the school because of him being ruthless, disregarding and rude.  His history teacher had an argument with him over learning dates and how rote learning was an incapable method of teaching. This tell us that although Albert did not support rote learning and answered bluntly to the teacher's questions, he meant no harm and was only being truthful, but was misunderstood. On the other hand, Mr. Koch, his mathematics teacher admired him so much for his knowledge that he straight away gave him a reference letter to learn more and get admission, trusting his talent and capability. His head teacher, spoke to Albert, on the behalf of all the teachers who thought he was not worthy of studying in the school because of his derogatory behaviour. Albert did not want to argue to demean any of the teacher, he only said what he felt right and what was being asked from him. Thus Albert possessed a decent, respectful and honest attitude.


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