1.what makes lamb optimistic ?

2. suggest different endings for the story.

3. derry and lamb are persons with totally diferent attitude towards life. explain.

3) Derry, a boy of fourteen, suffers from inferiority complex. He feels that people are afraid of his burnt face. For this reason, either they pity him or change the topic of conversation as if nothing is wrong. Such behaviour makes Derry hate the company of people. He prefers being alone. He lacks the wisdom of maturity that people do not have time enough to continuously notice him. He seems to be over-concerned about what people say and think of him.

Mr. Lamb is a friendly person. He welcomes everyone that enters his garden. Despite his disability and people's perception about him, he has a positive approach towards life. Mr. Lamb instilled in Derry confidence to look at life in a positive manner, accepting oneself without fearing others by telling him that in nature shapes differ but the quality is the same; what is inside oneself is more important than one’s external appearance. He also taught Derry not to indulge in self pity, rather to love life and accept its realities.


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