1. Which  of  the  four  chambers  in  the  human  heart  have thickest muscular  walls?
2.Where  do  you  find  stomata  and  lenticels
3.Which  of  the  organs  performs  the  following  functions in  humans?  (  a) Absorption  of  food  (  b)  Absorption  of water

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

1. The walls of the left ventricle are thickest because it is from this chamber that the blood is pumped with great force through the aorta to various other parts of the body.

2. Stomata are the tiny openings or pores present in the epidermis of the leaves while lenticels are spongy areas present in the stems.

3. a. In humans, most of the food is absorbed in the small intestine after being processed in the stomach.
b. The stomach absorbs some water but most of it is absorbed in small intestine by diffusion

Hope this information clears your doubt.

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