1.Who was sitting in the tapesry chamber? what were the concequences?
​2. Why did the ghost gave jewellryto Virginia?

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

1.It was the Canterville ghost who was sitting in the tapestry chamber.
The consequence of the Canterville ghost sitting in the tapestry chamber led to his frank conversation with little Virginia. He admitted to Virginia that he had killed his wife and also told her why he disliked his wife. He also told how he had been starved to death by the brothers of his wife. He hadn't slept for around 300 years and he therefore, asked for Virginia's help to seek the mercy of the angel of death. As a result, Virginia consented to help him.
2.The ghost gave the box of precious jewellery to Virginia for being kind enough to trust him and help him seek the mercy of the angel of death, without which he perhaps might have had to continue living as a lonely ghost.

Hope this will clear your doubts about The Canterville ghost.

If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.


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