1. why does carbon form largest number of compounds?

 Carbon has some really unique properties which help to form such a large number of compounds.... 

  • Catenation...It is the ability of carbon compounds to form long chains, branched chains or rings.
  • Smaller nucleus helps it to attract more number of electrons.
  • Tetravalency..It has got 4 valence electrons..( actually even silicon, lead and all of group 18 elements are tetra valent....but carbon is the one with the above properties as well...which give it an edge over the other elements).

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properties-catenation and tetravalency

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Carbons forms largest number of compounds

(i) it shows catination

(ii) it exhibits isomerism

(iii) it shows tetravalency



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Carbon forms largest no. of compounds because-

i) Catenation- (Self linking property) It means carbon can link to other carbon atoms due to sharing of  electrons. This property is shown byonly Carbon atom which is not shown in any other compound to this extent whichleads to the property of isomerisation.

ii) Tetravalency- (having four valence electron) You can say that, carbon is the only element which is so reactive and can react to any element according to lesson Modern periodic table, as it is mentioned that as we move down to the periodic table the reactivity decreases. so carbon is the smallest element of them and hence it share electrons to this extent as it can neither gain nor can lose any electron. this made it possible.

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due to its tetra valency and catenation property

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 Carbon has electronic configuration 2,4 therefore it is tetravalent and it is also the most reactive metal 

Secondly carbon has a special property of self linkage

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carbon is a compound which show catenation property and have tetravalency so thats why it form large number of organic compound.other elements like silicon and sulphur also show catenation property so they also form large number of organic compound.But carbon compound are stable than silicon and sulphur so they usually form no. of compounds.

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its becoz

it shows catination

it shows isomeration

it shows tetravalency

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Chelating property and tetra valency of carbon is responsible for carbon forming a very large number of compounds

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