10) Charge Q of mass m revolves around a point a charges q due to electrostatic attraction. Show that its period of revolution is given by T 2 = 16 π 3   0 mR 3 Q q .

Dear Student,
Since the charge particle is moving along a circular path, a centripetal force , mv2R, must act on it. where v = velocity of the particle = 2πRT, T is the time period. The only force that acts is the electrostatic force of attraction between Q and q, which is Qq4πεoR2
Thus, for circular motion of the charged particle,

mv2R=Qq4πεoR2v2=Qq4πεomR2πRT2=Qq4πεomRT2 = 16π3εomR3Qq Ans


  • 47
since particle is on a circular motion therefore
electrostatic force = centripetal force
KQq/r2 = mv​2/r 
solving we get v = (KQq/mr)1/2
now T = 2(pi)r/v
substitute value of v to get your answer 
  • 4
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