ABC is similar to triangle PQR,PM is median of PQR. If ar triangle ABC =289cm2,BC=17cm,MR=6.5 cm then the area of triangle PQM is

given:ABCPQR and area(ABC)=289 cm2
PM is the median of PQR.
BC=17 cm and MR = 6.5 cm
since M is the mid-point of QR.
QR = 2*MR = 2*6.5 = 13 cm
the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the square of the corresponding sides.
the area of the triangle PQR is 169 sq cm.
since the median divides the triangle into two equal areas.
area of the triangle PQM = 1/2* area of the triangle PQR
=12*169=84.5 sq cm

hope this helps you

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