15. Which movement, according to the author, has gripped the human race and why?
Q16. What change has been brought about in man's attitude towards the earth?
Q17. What is man's ethical obligation towards the planet Earth ?
Q18. What consciousness has the concept of sustainable development bring in human attitude?
Q19. What is the question raised by the First Brandt Report? What are its implications?
Q20. How are the earth's biological systems the foundation of the global economic system?
Q21. Dung cakes and firewood are dangerous fuel Options How?
Q22. What term does Dr Myers use for the tropical forests? What is the result of their destruction?
Q23. What is Palkhivala not very enthusiastic about the constitutional method of dealing with the problem of depleting forests in India?
Q24. "Fertility falls as incomes rise." Explain.
Q25. The environment has deteriorated so badly that it is 'critical'. Elucidate.
Q26. Why does Palkhivala call development as the best contraceptive?
Q27. What are Palkhivala's suggestions on population control?
Q28. In what way can industry play a crucial role in the new Era of Responsibility?
Q29. What is the essence of Margaret Thatcher's statement quoted by Palkhivala in his essay?
Q30. How is the depletion of tropical forests affecting the planet Earth?
Q31. Briefly explain Lester R. Brown's concept of earth's biological systems?

This app is more thn worst
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i need answer to these questions plz somebody help me i have to submit the assignment
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(1)It is not environment friendly because it releases smoke. (2) it produces harmful gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide etc which is not good for our health. (3) It remains ash and smoke and can cause respiratory problems.
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Plzz answer 23 question
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It's 6 day now
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