​Q20. (a) Redraw the diagram given below, showing the direction of light after reflection from the mirror 


         (b) The  mirror outside the driver side of a vehicle is usually a convex mirror. Printed on such a mirror is usually the warning ? Object in the mirror are closer than they appear." What is the reason for this warning ? What is the advantage of using it ?

         (c) Give the relationship of magnification with focal length of a spherical mirror.

Dear Student ,

20(b) The mirrors used in cars are convex mirrors. Convex mirrors form erect and smaller images of the objects. This does not give us the exact idea how far the vehicle is from us. Thus, to avoid accidents, car view mirrors carry a warning message that objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear.

Kindly post different query in separate threads 


  • -2
Not proper question recheck your question and verify
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@ since its convex mirror it appears to converge. The image formed makes the vehicle in the mirror so closer as it appears to be bigger in a convex mirror.
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