20. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by

covalent bonding?[2008]

21. Why are covalent compounds generally poor

conductors of electricity?[2008]

22. What is a functional group in a carbon

compound? Identify the functional group

present in CH3COOH and C2H5OH [2009] [2008]

23. What is the difference in the molecular formula of any two consecutive members of a homologous series of organic compounds?

24. Give a chemical test to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

25. (i) What would be observed on adding a 5% solution of alkaline potassium permanganate solution drop by drop to

some warm ethanol taken in a test tube?

(ii) Write the name of the compound formed during the chemical reaction. [2008]

26. Give reason for the following : Formalin is used for preserving biological specimens. [2007]

27. Name the functional group present in

propanone (acetone). [2006]

28. How are the molecules of aldehydes and

ketones structurally different? [2004]

29. What is denatured alcohol? [2004]

30. Name the element other than carbon that

constitute carbohydrates. [2003]

31. Name the product formed besides soap that is

obtained during saponification process. [2002]

32. What happens when soap solution in a test

tube is shaken with (i) soft water (ii) hard Water [2008]

1. What are isomers? Draw the structures of two isomers of butane (C4H10). [2011 (T-II)]]

2. What is a hydrogenation reaction? Write an equation to represent this reaction. How is the reaction useful in vegetable ghee industry?

[2011 (T-II)]]

3. Write the name and molecular formula of an organic compound having its name suffixed with ol and having two carbon atoms in the molecule. With the help of a balanced chemical equation indicate what happens when it is heated with excess of conc. H2SO4. [2010]

4. What happens when wood is burnt in a limited supply of oxygen? Name the residue left behind after the reaction and state two

advantages of using this residue as a fuel over wood.[2010]

5. Write the names and molecular formula of two organic compounds having functional group suffixed as oic acid. With the help of a

balanced chemical equation explain what happens when any one of them reacts with sodium hydroxide. [2010]

6. What is a homologous series of substances? In an organic compound, which part largely determine its physical and chemical properties.

7. (a) Give a chemical test to distinguish between ethanol and ethanoic acid.

(b) Name the product formed when an organic acid reacts with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst. What is the name

assigned to this type of reaction?[2009] [2008, 2009]

8. (a) Write the name of the following:

(i) CH3CH2COOH (ii) CH3CH2Br

(b) Draw the electron dot structure of ethene.

9. An organic acid X is a liquid which often

freezes during winter time in cold countries. It

has the molecular formula, C2H4O2. On warming it with ethanol in the presence of a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid, a compound Y with a sweet smell is formed.

(i) Identify X and Y.

(ii) Write a chemical equation for the reaction


10. State the principle on which the cleaning

action of soap is based. [2008]

11. Why are soaps ineffective in hard water? [2008]

12. (a) Give a chemical test to identify the compound CH3COOH.

(b) Name the gas evolved when this compound acts on solid sodium carbonate.[2008]

13. (a) (i) Name the products formed when ethanol burns in air. (ii) What two forms of energy are liberated on burning alcohol?

(b) Why is the reaction between methane and chlorine considered as substitution reaction? [2008]

14. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Oxidation of ethanol with CrO3 produces

ethanal while ethanol when oxidised with alkaline KMnO4

produces ethanoic acid.

(ii) Alcohol supplied for industrial purposes is mixed with copper sulphate. [2007]

15. Allotropy is a property shown by which class :

substances, elements, compounds or mixtures? Give one example of allotropy. [2005]

16. What is meant by fermentation? Write

chemical equations for the two steps involved

in preparing ethanol by the fermentation of


1. An organic compound A is an essential constituent of wine and beer. Oxidation of A yields an organic acid B which is present in vinegar. Name the compounds A and B and write their structural formula. What happens

when A and B react in the presence of an acid catalyst? Write the chemical equation of the reaction.

[2011 (T-II)]

2. Give reasons for the following :

(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons show addition reactions but not saturated hydrocarbons.

(b) Carbon only forms covalent compounds. [2011 (T-II)]

3. (a) Define the term functional group. Identify the functional group present in the following compounds : O


(i) CH3CH2CH2OH (ii) H-C-H

(b) What will you observe on adding a 5% alkaline potassium permanganate solution drop by drop to some warm ethanol taken in a test tube? Write the name of the compound formed during the above chemical reaction. [2011 (T-II)]

4. (a) An organic compound A is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula C2H4O. This compound reacts with ethanol in the presence of a mineral acid to form a sweet smelling compound B.

(i) Identify the compound A.

(ii) Which gas is produced when A reacts with sodium carbonate? Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved.

(b) Write the names of :

(i) CH3CHBr

(ii) CH3CH=CH2 [2011 (T-II)]

5. (a) On dropping a small piece of sodium into an organic compound A with molecular formula C2H4O2 in a test tube a brisk effervescence is observed. On bringing a burning splinter the gas evolved burns with a pop sound. Identify A and write

the chemical equation.

(b) What will happen when you heat the organic compound A at 443K with excess of concentrated sulphuric acid? [2011 (T-II)]

6. Write the name of following compounds :

(a) CH3-C≡CH (b) CH3 CH2 CH2OH (c) CH3COCH [2011 (T-II)]

7. (a) Draw the structure for following compounds (i) ethanoic acid, (ii) butanone

(b) Conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid is considered an oxidation reaction. Why? [2011 (T-II)]

8. Describe an activity to show the formation of an ester in the school laboratory. [2011 (T-II)]

9. Two carbon compounds A and B have the molecular formula C3H8 and C3H6 respectively. Which one of the two is most

likely to show addition reaction? Explain with the help of a chemical equation, how an addition reaction is useful in industries.

[2011 (T-II)]

10. What are micelles? How does the formation of a micelle help to clean the clothes?

17. What is ethanoic acid? Write the formula of the functional group present in this acid. What special name is given to its 5-8% solution in water? How does ethanoic acid react with sodium carbonate? Write chemical equation of the reaction and common name of the salt produced. [2009]

18. (a) Write the chemical equation representing the preparation of ethanol from etene

(b) Name the product obtained when ethanol is oxidised by either chromic anhydride or alkaline potassium permanganate.

(c) Give an example of esterification reaction.

19.What happens when ethanoic acid reacts with

(i) magnesium, (ii) sodium carbonate, and (iii) sodium hydroxide? Write the necessary chemical equation in each case. [2005]

11. (a) Write the names of :


(ii) CH3CH2 OH [2011 (T-II)]

(b) Name the gas evolved when an alcohol reacts with sodium. Give chemical equation for the reaction involved.

(c) Which two of the following compounds belong to same homologous series?

C2H6O, C2H6O2, C2H6, CH4O [2011 (T-II)]

12. What are detergents chemically? Why are they more effective than soaps in cleansing action? How can detergent molecules be altered to make them biodegradable? [2006, 2011 (T-II)]

13. What is ethanol? Draw the structure of ethanol molecule. How does ethanol behave with the following

(a) Sodium

(b) Excess of conc. sulphuric acid at 443K? Write chemical equation for each reaction. [2009, 2011 (T-II)]

(a) Distinguish between esterification and saponification reactions of organic compounds.

(b) With a labelled diagram describe an activity to show the formation of an ester.

(a) What is vinegar?

(b) Describe with a chemical equation, what happens when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with ethanoic acid. [2009]

Soap does not work well with hard water. Name the class of compounds which can be used as cleansing agent in place of soap. Write the name of one such

compound. Explain in brief the mechanism of its cleansing action when used in hard water.[2009]

7. (a) Define catenation. Why no other element exhibits the property of catenation to the extent seen in carbon compounds?

(b) Name the type of compound formed by the reaction of an organic acid and an alcohol. Write the chemical equation for

the reaction involved.

(c) Write chemical equation to represent hydrogenation of vegetable oils. [2011 (T-II)]

8.(a) Write balanced equations for the following reactions.

CH3OH + Na


C2H6 + O2

(b) Write the formula and name of the next

homologue of :

(i) CH3CH=CH

And (ii) CH3COCH3

[2011 (T-II)] .

Due to the paucity of time, we are unable to provide to complete solution . However, we are providing you the solution of a few good queries. 
27. The functional group present in propanone( acetone) is ketone. 
28. Kindly refer to the following link 
29. Kindly refer to the following link 

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