22.On vibrating an air column at 627degreecentigrade and a tuning fork simultaneously, 6 beats/sec are heard.The frequency of fork is less than that of air column.No beats are heard at -48degree centigrade.The frequency of fork is----------

Suppose the frequency of tuning fork is n.
Then, the frequency of the air column will be n+6 at 6270C and n at -480C.Using v=v627=(n+6) λand v-48=So,v627v-48=(n+6) λ=1+6nThe speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature.v627v-48=627+273-48+273=900225=3015=2Thus,1+6n=2or 6n=2-1=1or n=6 vibrations/sec

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