24) How are flowers classified based on the position of floral parts on thalanus . What is meant by phyllotaxy? Write its types.

Name the type of epithelial tissue found in the alveoli of lungs ? What are the different types if muscular tissue. Differentiate between them.

Dear student,
Simple squamous epithelium is found in the alveoli of lungs.

There are three different types of muscle tissues present in animals:
Striated or skeletal muscles: These appear as striated fibres under microscope with alternate light and dark bands. These  are voluntary muscles, which means that they are under our control and can be moved according to our will. Example: muscles of leg, hand
Smooth muscles: These are unstriated, do not have light and dark bands. These are involuntary muscles, hence cannot be moved according to our will. Example: Muscles of internal organs like stomach.
Cardiac muscles: These are striated muscles which are found only in heart. They function throughout life and relax and contract the heart the pump blood throughout body.

Difference between three types of muscle tissue is given below:


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I repeat the second one not first

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