
25,26 O . that two O that 'hc angle bet are unit inclined angle of 60 to each other. show . 30. are unit vectors a is IIR angle them. then tind a such that a find the value of unit that" • S 82. are th.e.• n.yt-zero such that and are not par?tlcl ve• prove that scalars, - - yector both and & U = I, find the angle between @ • 2. = 7 and find the angle betucen i and 37. If are two unit vectors inclined at an angle of 30 to each Other. find the area parallelogram having = and as its diagonal. 38. Define and prose that where Ois the angle between and 39. are non-coplanar unit veclors such that find 40. If and are vectorsofthc same magnitude inclined at an angle of SO to each o that = A. Vhe vectors 4B •4k. and —2 ; •4k are the sides of a triangle ABC of the median through the point A, 42. Find a unit vector in plane which makes an angle of 450 with the vector 600 With the Vector —4 ; . i +2 i +3k h = -i and 3=3; + then find•t' such that is perp 44. If and are vectors and O is the angle between them. then tano 45. Find a unit vector parallel to the xy plane and perpendicular to 4i -

Dear student
25a×b=a×ca×b-a×c=0a×b-c=0a=0 or b-c=0 or ab-ca=0 or b=c or ab-cab-c    a0 and bcb-c=ta fro some scalar tb=c+ta
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